can someone help me about this issues
i already declared advertising id
You need to include AD_ID_permission.
where to ad this permision
Does your app contains ads?
yes, my app contain ads.
Then you will require to add this permission in manifest
why this error occur, because my other app doesn’t have that issues.
But before providing you solution send me apk in pm to check whether your app contains this permission or not.
i solved the issues by making app from scratch. but still don’t know why this error occur.
Note: now i’m facing issue on admob bidding facebook
I have solution for your problem but before checking your app’s manifest file I can’t help you. Send your apk.
permission became required starting with Android 13. For apps targeting Android 13 or higher, you need to declare this permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
file to access the Advertising ID. Without this permission you can’t earn.
i never add this permission in manigest.xml but still i earn. maybe niotron automatically add this permssion.
Sixo Online APK Analyzer | sisik
I think you are afraid sharing your apk, ok no worries. open this website and upload your apk & send screenshots of Requested Permissions.
No. don’t think automatically is everything added. First check your apk is the permission of AD-ID there or not?
if you will see my apk file you will laugh, i’m doing secret method. very secret.
i can’t check this right now, i doesn’t have enough data.
Why do I need to open your app? This problem is not related to what you have developed, it’'s manifest file problem which need not opening your app. See my screenshot I have added that permission in manifest. open your apk on Sixo Online APK Analyzer | sisik or send apk I will check. I
I solved this problem here is the apk which has AD-ID permission in manifest
AD-ID Permission In Manifest Solution.apk (7.6 MB) You just need to buy the extension from me. Add extension in your project and it will automatically add the permission in manifest.