App crash using new firebase Database

Describe the bug in detail…

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The timer block does not play any role, when I remove the Firebase components, the application turns on for me, it works fine, and when I add the components, the Firebase application immediately closes when it is opened

Not create block screen
Only screen 1 add Firebase database

Describe the bug in detail…

Attach Necessary Block Images and Files

The timer block does not play any role, when I remove the Firebase components, the application turns on for me, it works fine, and when I add the components, the Firebase application immediately closes when it is opened
Not use block
Only add Firebase database 1screen

@BGMI_Reward This bug has been reported and will be fixed soon.

My issues not fixed for 6 month please fix this problem

@Cash_UC_Support please check on beta server, main server still needs update and all new updates were pushed to beta only for now

I am try beta version but this same problem

@Cash_UC_Support Ok, i will forward this concern to team

My issues not fixed for 6 month please fix this problem

@Cash_UC_Support we really apologize for the inconveniences

Hello @Cash_UC_Support ,
Could you please confirm me if persistence is on or not, if yes then try compiling after turning it off, I don’t remember I have seen somewhere that persistence sometimes causes issues

Resolve my problem

Resolved or asking ?:upside_down_face:
If not then I would recommend you to create a new topic with each and give a detailed description of your issue