APK (built on main server) is not installing or crashes on Android ≤ 7.x

Hello Niotron!
Currently I’m checking the app on Android 7 and Android 7.1 but there are bug to installing app. I’m Check it on my Virtual Device and few day ago i am already infirmed you, now i have a new Laptop and virtual device also. kindly check it on your side build a demo apk and check on Android 7/7.1 both are crushing the apk…

My app have a many extension but they are not crushing bcz I’m also checked a demo apk only 1 Label on the app…

@iaditya_nanda @abhijith Plesse solve this issues it’s very important for us. Bcz user are decreasing… :smiling_face_with_tear:

60% Revenue Decreased :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

@Nibedita_Roy can you send screen recording and the logs capture using ADB Logcat?

Why do you not try it your self? I’m already said this only empty build app can’t run, it’s crushing…

by the way I’m new on ADB on android studio i can’t find the error where are it showing…It’s goin to force to stoping…

Don’t have a device and also how can i check your app without any apk file?

I’m again already saying you! You can check with the blank project apk. Still Crushing the apk on Android 7 / 7.1…

Tutorial: Go to Niotron Website and Build or Create a Blank Project and TEST it on Android 7.

So Now why you need to apk for my side?

BTW I’m attached the apk Now you can check…This project is blank.
DemoOnAndro7.apk (8.1 MB)

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This issue is in main builder or beta ?

Main and Beta both!

Kindly informed us When it will solve? Cause we have e Premium Plan for 30 days and day are ending very fast, I’m can’t updating my app on googleplay. @iaditya_nanda @abhijith

You are right app crashing and not installing issue found in some android versions i tested a test apk from android 5 to android 15 click the link to see the video of testing in different versions of api and android devices testing.
link: Apk Test in diffrent android versions - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

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I’m worried about this. You know what about the pain for geting 1 download from playstore :sob: now we are lose the user for free :sob: @Firoj_Multane

Set minimum android version to 8 or above

It’s not solution :-1:

is there anyone from niotron team to reply? This is really serious issue that new apps can’t be used on android 5,6,7 and 7.1 devices. We are facing increase in crash rate and uninstall rate. Loosing DAU is very painful headache.
is the niotron team working on this issue?

No response from niotron side! I hope they’re working on it…

some issues! I’m worried. when its solved?

No one response from Niotron team… I think this platform also be going to like Kodlar as well!

@Nibedita_Roy I have already informed about this and it will be fixed.

Hmm. When will our premium end? I think Niotron is not like before!

@abhijith can you say something about this? When it will be fix?

In a day or two

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