An idea for improve Niotron

In the niotron extension store, all extension developers will be able to publish the extensions they have created.
There will be a free and premiere extension publishing system.
Customers will be able to easily find the extension they need.
If the customer buys a premium extension, he will keep some part of Nitron and give some to the developer.

How is this idea?


Very good idea @JB_Kamaruzzaman :+1:

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thanks, :heart_eyes:

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Good :heart: :heart: @JB_Kamaruzzaman

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By far the best place to find extensions is here: App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps

@Taifun is one of the pioneers with App Inventor and the other distros. Nowhere else are extensions listed to this extent (and so completely). I think there are currently by far more than 500 extensions listed there that have been published on different platforms:

  • AI2
  • AppyBuilde-r,
  • Thunkable
  • Kodula(r) etc.

Thanks. We want nitron stores to be so big


That should hardly be possible, because Taifun even lists extensions that were never published, e.g. this:


This is only possible because Taifun is on all forums and reads almost everything there (and has done so for many years).


that’s bring an question how dose that man do that is he like 24/7 on his computer looking in all of the community don’t get me wrong but that is nuts!

@Taifun is very carefull people he see every extension and upload that extension on his extension I also publish my popup menu extension on app inventor community and @Taifun had upload that extension on his website after 3 hours


I am having some extension nearly more than 200 which are free from the developers I am ready to post those extensions If I get permission from Niotron, Also I am ready to replace tifun’s extension posting services.

I’ll create post and list down all the extensions which are working in niotron and also which are latest and upcoming.

but in puravidaapps so many links can’t be accessed. there are even extension developers who don’t respond after buying extension (Kus Zab for example…)

Yes, maybe, but what has Taifun got to do with it (specifically with AppyBuilde(r) community being removed and whether some extension developers aren’t answering questions)?

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what about this @admins @Krish @tanishraj

I’m not talking about a person. I’m talking about puravidaapps web. so i expect niotron to have a direct purchase link ( if it is paid ) with the cooperation and permission of extension developer . it’s very nice and easy. than puravidaapps we are wondering about unaccessible link. Even some extension developers make it difficult for us to make payments

Same Idea @JB_Kamaruzzaman,
I was building one.
My one is Under Developing to be released soon.

After some time you also can upload your extension on this site

I also have 100 + extension. I buy some and some are free, i am working from 4 years, and collecting aix.
I am working when there was thankable, no kodulr nor appybuildr.

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You can publish that extension on this website from tommorow

In this website only free extension is allowed

But i can create an website, and publish there and share the link ??

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