All blocks deleted

yesterday i save the project

and now today when i start the project
all blocks are deleted :sob: from screen1 only

error - the block area didnot load properly. changes to the block screen xxxx_screen1 will not be saved

what i do know ?
felling sad and angry it take more than weeks to do the blocks

Please help me
any way to roll back to previus saved project

1 week and you never took a backup

well I am spend my free time on making app on nitron
so sometime a project take few month
i take a backup 2-3 day ago so i am safe
but in last few days i do lots of changes in block after taking backup ( learn from community and others sites ) which i am not familiar like api so it hard for me to this again

I found the solution
I export the aia to my computer
open aia with rar
and delete the extension from aia and reput the extracted extension in aia file
save the changes
import the aia in niotron

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