after new android 14 update app compiles but apk build but after install app crash

Hello sir this is very serious,
I am facing very high crash rate and uninstall rate in my playstore app after update for latest android target. I found, this is not because of any extension. I created blank project (with 1 label) and it is crashing in android 7 device.
I have only android 14, 12 and 7 devices (not having android 8,9,10 devices and I am worrying about these also) . I always used to test in android 7 but never had problem in niotron. But by-mistake, while this update I did not test in android 7 because there was no change in blocks/extensions and today I shocked after seeing my app statistics

Minimum sdk I used is 5.1 . I tried in beta.niotron, but same problem.