after new android 14 update app compiles but apk build but after install app crash

after new android 14 update app compiles on minimum android version 5 and apk/aia build but after install apk and app open then app crash plz solve it

Can you DM me the APK. Thanks

Marathi_T.apk (9.6 MB)

I am too facing the same problem.

Thanks for the APK, you are using Startapp ads right?

Are you using Startapp Ads?

No, only admob

Can you send me the apk?

@abhijith Admob has some issues app is either not exporting or crashing

Yes, the app is crashing immediately and closing after opening. I am also using Admob

Found the issue and it seems to be fixed, will release it with the next update.

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only admob ads

@Shweta_kasat Yes this error is due to admob and is identified and will be resolved soon.

Has the Admob issue been solved? I am still getting problems.

Yes its solved.


My all old App crash and stop After New Update Come its a big bug please resolve fast dear team

Are you using any extensions?

Some apps’ issues have been solved, but others still crash and stop after installing. AdMob and the same extension are used in both cases.

If your app is crashing reduce your target sdk and test it

No difference app is still crashing