I have succedfully made my app but when I am loading live ads it’s not loading its showing error message in failed to load ads “No ad confif” please help me my app is also available on the playstore and app is ready to show ads but live ads is not showing. See I have upload a ss below.
Block Image
s(if Any)
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Which ad network are u use in your application.
Post Your Ad Regarding Blocks
Show me your block and you add admob app id code in your niotron settings.
My every configuration is fine even I am getting the ads requests but the real ads not showing says the error of “No ad config” and I have checked everything is fine but the ads is not displaying.
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If you know why is this happening than you can tell me.
Please Niotron Team look up on this problem.
Bro my issue is solved now ads are showing.
When it happen the error message
Please niotron team solve this issu admob ads not showing only test ads can showing not real ads are showing.
Admob Ads Are Forking Fine
this happening since niotron updated android ver 12 api31
This Is a Live Ad Screenshot of my app
It’s not good to call the niotron bad every time
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At the time of calling ads i have configured everything properly but I don’t know that no ad config error is showing.
hey ? i am also using admob ads but in my account i got ad limit
How you are earning with it also ( i have over 80K+ Downloads on my App )