A way to check if it is the first time the user opens the app

A way to check if it is the first time the user opens the app

You can achieve it with the help of tinyDB with a little of logic

  1. When user opens app, make a Boolean var named logged in.

  2. In Screen1.initialize block, check whether the value of a tag named “logged in” exists or not.

  3. If not then set the value as true.

  4. Else if it’s already true, continue the app

Hope so that this will help you, and I’m changing the category of topic from Feature Request → Discuss

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@Horizon That might work, although I have a question, if the user clears the cache, will the application also think that the user opened the app for the first time? Or does that not make sense?

It won’t I guess, that will only happen on either clearing the data or deleting the application as a whole

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I see, thanks

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Thanks, it worked

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Your most welcome :hugs:

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