A suggestion regarding the new update

All though we all appreciate your hard work towards making Niotron better by each day, but with all these issues and bugs, I think it would be better for you(Niotron team) to reload the previous version and come back again with a new one when done with these bugs and all. If anyone else agrees with this, do mention your views and any other suggestions that could be useful for both Niotron team and the users.

Good Luck Niotron


This update has some major changes that makes rollback not possible. There are few bugs remaining but most of it is solved

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How about making the previous one live on another address(url) while you keep working on this one?

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What are the issues you are having now?

Can you at least first set the Title Bar Issue?

It’s already fixed. Compiled apps do not seem to have a title bar as well

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Not fixed yet.

I suggested the same to Niotron Team a few days ago. I hope they are done with this issues as quick as possible. I move from other builders to Niotron because it´s functionalities and compact design.

Companion is still showing version 1.0 when last version was 3.1 and Niotron shows 4.3 and 4.3u

That is confusing,

build Failed

Please update recycler list view with more. Function like over scrolled offset , scroll changed, left swip, right swipe, Reached top, reached bottom, Animation, scroll X Y,
Scroll to top, scroll to bottom, load more update, etc.


The issue with Title bar is solved if we create a new project, but if I upload a previously made AIA, it’s still there.