Why this thing showing?

I don’t know why this is showing and it’s bad for user :expressionless:

video link - vidma_recorder_19022023_015333.mp4 - Google Drive

Error Image Link - Screenshot_20230219-015500.jpg - Google Drive

What i want to show - Screenshot_20230219-015514.jpg - Google Drive

please solve this problem this is shit

apk link -
Shayaribug(3).apk (8.1 MB)

Niotron Builder Project SS -

I watched the video but I couldn’t understand the problem.

Give me the aia file i will fix it after fixing i will resend you.

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ok here is aia please fix it this making my app worst :smiling_face_with_tear:

aia -
MeriShayari.aia (1.3 MB)

It wil fixed on 4pm today so be patient

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thanks bro :heart_eyes:

Here is the fixed aia file
MeriShayari (1).aia (1.3 MB)

Also fixed back press

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Thanks let me try it :slight_smile:

Hey Bro i am unable to change background color of this

SS - Screenshot_20230219-190409.jpg - Google Drive

and can you tell want you have done to fix this issue ?

Bro i got it now i have changed my background color :slight_smile:

but can you tell me what you have done to fix this ? i really want to know.
ss - Screenshot_20230219-015500.jpg - Google Drive