Why My Sidebar is laging?

App is lagging please check it and if you see some issue then tell me

unable to build apk -

Apk Link ( It’s Not Promo ) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TallwinLife.support

Rename “h” with its component type, such as “btnH” or “lblH”.

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here is apk please check my siderbar is laging so much

Apk -
Tallwin_Life(1).apk (7.8 MB)

So, you jumped from snack bar lagging in your title, to failing to build your app, and back to sidebar lagging.

This is confusing. Please start a new topic for a different issue.

see bro install my app and check why app is lagging
If you know then tell me and i have fixed pre. issue

so main thing is “Topic Name” is “My Sidebar is Lagging”
and i am talking about it.

if you know then message else don’t say anything

OK, next time only talk one thing. Talking about two things divert your topic which makes the message of your topic unclear.

I installed your app and swiped the sidebar; it does seem to have minor lags. I believe it is an issue from too many sophisticating UI elements, but it generally works fine.

I have freedom of speech and my post does not violate the community ToS, nor does it violate any law.

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Okay Bro I fixed sidebar issue it’s because of extension

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