Processing: blocks.png…
query s per image show when click on ’ coin2’ its image change into ‘arrow with coin 2’ same set for all coins
but when select this coin ( eg .select coin2 ) then its value of 2 is added , when per click on yellow, red ,and blue button show at text on his value but all color button value is different as per click ( means when click yellow button but coin selected is coin2 then yellow text is show its value is 2 next click add 2 in this =4) then i select coin 5 then its value is 5 it add to click on color which in want but is same as 1st yellow its previous value is 4 and new 5 value is add with this means its value is 9 and then aftee this all value is clear when timer is up please give me solution for that
- when coin 2 select i chnage its image when click and when coin 5 click its image change and also coin image change to old but in this case i want to set animation or that but animation work on all coins but not close for previous coin which i click help me on that Processing: blocks.png…
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