What is these block

I want to upload and get data in Airtable in hindi language

So i got a solution
These blocks helps to achieve it

I have used the urlencode block in admin app and i have to use the second block (urldecode) block in main app

But I can’t understand that in second block what is this [get index] variable

Please help :pray:

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Please help :pleading_face:

Get index returns the position of the element

So i need to make a variable name= index
Set global [index]to =“empty string”

Then get variable


No, absolutely wrong, just keep it like that only, it will work

This is the correct way

There’s no need to create another variable named index

The index of an item in a list is the position of the item in the list. Suppose you have an array of items in your values variable.

["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Watermelon"]

App Inventor lists start with the index of 1. In this instance, the apple would have an index of 1, and the watermelon would have an index of 4. Indices cannot exceed the length of the list (i.e. how many items the list has), and cannot be an integer below 1.

No. Indices can only be values that fulfill the following requirements.

  1. An integer that does not exceed the length of the list.
  1. An integer that is not smaller than 1.
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I think it’s 0,
Can you please provide some documentation regarding this that first index of App inventor list starts from 1 not from 0 like OOP Languages

App Inventor lists start with an index of one. Here is an example. (I use AppInventor in this instance because I copied from an old document I wrote)

If you set it as 0, you would get an error similar to below.

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