READ_MEDIA_... permissions on Android 13+

Here is a small extension that declares the following permissions on Android 13+ in the Manifest:


and up to Android 12:


Since targetSdkVersion = 33, these new storage permissions are required and requested from Android 13. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE no longer exists on Android 13+.

Check this app on Android 13+ and also on Android < 13:
ReadMedia_perm.apk (6.6 MB)




This is very useful! Thanks

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it will be working all >13+ device Mam? This block or extension for new app update which is targets 13+ on Google play? bcz i need to update my app on google play, im confused which Block are right for target all device lower version and 13+…

As I’ve shown:

As I said:

Niotron Builder is target Android 13.
Now, Can you show me on block section how can i ask Permission “Storage” , " Camera" on Android Lower version < Up Version and latest version 13?

For my app Update purpose on google play

it’s my right block or wrong?

This topic is about “READ_MEDIA_...” permissions since targetSdkVersion = 33 on Android 13+ and not about permissions in general. So move your question to a new topic. I will answer you there.

Hi @Anke

How to get following permissions

  1. Allow background data usage
  2. Battery - unrestricted usage

Can you please help.

Thanks in advance


Very useful

Despite having the access, I can’t open the gallery, with image picker, any suggestions?

Show your blocks (and post a simple test aia).

Thank you very much for your response, in fact I found another post of yours with activyty starter in which I load the gallery image, the problem now is that cloudinary does not work, that is, with activity starter I save the gallery image in an image and From there I want to upload it and it doesn’t work, following your post would you know how to upload a photo from the gallery to cloudinary

These are my simple blocks, although the image loads it doesn’t let me upload it. permissions error
Help me please! Thanks!

Already asked here


… and they are not from Niotron (but from Kodular). Did you check it also with Niotron?

Apparently another bug has been added to Kodular since targetSdk=33.
One can only advise everyone to leave the (long) sinking ship “Kodular” as quickly as possible. It is a total disaster and a complete catastrophe. And most even pay for it, unbelievable!

Although I have already answered your question here, you asked the same question on Kodular. So post my answer there and point out the bug with the Cloudinary component (on Kodular) to others. Also let us know if the bug also exists on Niotron. I don’t have an account there so I can’t test it myself.

how to ask for write permission on android 13+. It will work on write permission as well?
Like i use downloader component so do i need to ask that permission?

There is no longer WRITE permission on Android 11+.

Only on Android < 11.

please post the aia file

@Graja_Achraf See the first post it is having all the requirements you can make this on your own.

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firstly thanks for this amazing work
work smoothly when i open app for first time
i am unable to proceed for the 2nd or more time
whats the issue mam?