Issue with viewutils component

Hi, In my app i added a cardview & set its radius ( roundness) & it looks fine in app. When i try to save image of the cardview by viewutils then i see the saved image has no roundness… can it be fixed?


The round card or radius is the property of card view not image, you set the image to fill parent but thats dosnt change the dimensions of the original image

The only soln to this is to use an image editor and change the corener radius of the image itself

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


I did not add image to cardview i just set its color & radius then i tried to save image… it did not worked

Hope you understand

Radius of card view right or the image radius ?

See the comoonents used to display are just UI components, they dont edit the actual image, so this way it wont work


The inner white is cardview which is added in black vertical arrangement the all components are added in main blue vertical arrangement whose image i save with view utils only the card view is not having radius when image is saved